Considering that a young untrained and unemployed is a burden for his community, and that a young well trained and employed can resolve himself his problems and contribute to the development of his country, lot of young Africans started themselves voluntarily to the fight against unemployment and poverty in their countries through the creation of micro firms only with their will and without state support. It is in view of think about ways which can end up in the frame of these young enterprising that the youth section of the UN HABITAT has invited many young African delegates to take part in the YOUTH ENTREPRISE DAY in apirl, 15 and the MDG Town the 16 and 17 April 2007 in Nairobie ( KENYA)
In my position of young Cameroonian delegate, I have noted:
a) positive actions:
-The high contribution of the UN HABITAT Youth Section Responsible to resolve preoccupation of young internal and external delegates.
– Through the presentation of young entrepreneurs at the YOUTH ENTREPRISE DAY, the voluntary commitment of young Africans to fight effectively against poverty and unemployment in their countries through self employment, despite the weakness of financial and material resources.
-The interest that takes the UN HABITAT in the African youth through his succeeded plea for the implementation of YOUTH FUND a governing council and lessons received to the millennium development goals town.
-The adoption although belated, under my initiative, and assisted by young delegates of DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO and SENEGAL, the concept to create a link-up or network between young African entrepreneurs.
b) negative actions:
-The small representatives of young delegates coming from central Africa.
-The adoption of English as official language of the meting to the detriment of French language.
-The absence during the youth enterprise day of baker, actors of private sectors and development partners who can support young’s plans.
So, I recommend for the next meeting;
-The adoption of English and French languages as language of dialogue and exchange.
– The high representatively of central Africa young delegate.
-The creation of a mailing list of exchange between all the participating in order to structure a young Africa entrepreneurs Network.
– The organization of workshops of planification of strut ration of the young African entrepreneur’s network or ling-up.
-The organisation of an evaluation meting after the every assembly.
As personal perspectives;
-I allow to organize, as soon as material resources will be available, a workshop of release of the youth enterprise day and of MDG Town
– To make young Cameroonians sensitive about millennium development goal and the role that the have to play
-To popularize activities of the UN HABITAT youth section in Cameroon.
-To pursue my actions of promotion of self employment in young and local circle.
In fact, this fist experience has been for me and occasion to assert myself out of my country. It remains an unforgettable time, and encourages me to go further in my entrepreneurial initiatives.
Youth Enterprise
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